Friday 24 October 2014

Week 4 Reflective Post

This week we looked more in depth of miss-en-scene of particular movies such as Four lions and completed an evaluation of our preliminary task. Mise-en-scene contains: production design, lighting, actors, colour and era which is what I had to analyse and talk about. All of these things are factors of representing particular themes and ideals of movies, for example: in Four Lions one of the terrorists is a white Muslim who converted. This shows that there are many muslims than people usually think and are not limited to just the Asian ethnicity. By analysing everything of mise-en-scene, this will help me in my future opening movie, where I will carefully think about the: location, lighting, era and more.

I also completed an evaluation of me and my group's preliminary task to focus on the strong and weak parts of our production movie. Screen grabs were necessary in order to show where we could improve and where we did better then expected.

During the half term we were asked to choose a famous British Social Realism movie and pick out 5 major themes from the text and elaborate on what kind of effect they have on the audience and what they portray about the society that surrounds us.

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