Tuesday 21 October 2014

Edit Workshop Evaluation

                                                        Edit Workshop Evaluation

During the production of the film we had to take into account the three techniques we had to implement into our movie. These three techniques were the: 180 degree rule, rule of thirds and match on action. Overall i felt that me and my group did generally well for the first time, however there were silly and naive mistakes that were made.

180 degree rule
 - This is the rule stating that a camera should be placed somewhere inside 180 degrees on a particular side of the invisible line of a shot containing two people filmed in a sequence.

The two images above is when Tselmuun and Fabio were talking to each other. This is an example of the 180 degree rule. The first image shows Fabio sitting on the left and in the second image Fabio is then showing sitting on the right. This principle also applies to Tselmuun but in vice versa. If we did not follow the 180 degree rule then it would seem as if Fabio or/and Tselmuun would be constantly switching positions, unappealing to the audiences. The audience will be appalled by the lack of organisation and continuity shown in our movie.

Rule of Thirds
 - The rule of thirds involves mentally dividing up your image using 2 horizontal lines and 2 vertical lines. After this you have to position the important elements in the scene along those lines, or at the points where they meet.

The rule of thirds was one of the techniques we had some trouble with. There were some scenes where we did apply the rule of thirds in an effective way. An example of this is shown in the first image above. This is due to the fact that Tselmuun the subject in the scene is shown to be placed right in the middle of the camera shot. This allows the audience to focus especially on him, in the middle - this allows the audience to not be confused if Tselmuun was positioned more to the left or right. However,  an example of where we did not use the rule of thirds in the best way possible is shown in image 2. As the over the shoulder shot of Fabio and Tselmuun talking, there is a large amount of unused space on the left hand side of the shot. This shows a lack of continuity as we applied the rule of thirds in some shots and did't apply it to other shots. 

Match on Action
- This is where the perspective of the camera changes during a scene and the scene continues to flow.

I believe that we had a general good match on action throughout the scenes of the movie. An example is shown above when Tselmuun is shown tripping in the following scenes. We had to make sure the match on action of this scene was particularly good as we needed the scenes of the tripping to flow in a fluid and consistent motion. If the match on action is poor, not only in this scene but the others, this would really have a negative impact on the movie as a whole and the audience. The audience will think that the movie is not being taken seriously and they would be deterred from watching it.

At the start of producing the movie we immediately faced a problem. The battery pack of our camera ran out, so we were unable to film for a majority of time. The only scene we were able to film at the time was the interior shot of the doors, where Tselmuun opens them. Consequently, this meant that we were the group that were the furthest behind out of the rest. So this meant that the next time we filmed, we made sure that our battery pack was fully charged and would focus on making sure we complete all of our movie scenes. Furthermore, during production at times we were unable to do certain scenes at different times due to interruptions, affecting our movie. Examples include: people walking in the background and background noise being too loud.

Post Challenges
The weather affected our filming on one of the days. This lead to a challenge of editing certain scenes in the different weather. However, the change of the weather wasn't drastic and extreme - as it was only brighter on one day and slightly darker on the other.

In order to change the lighting of the shot due to weather, I had to edit it on final cut pro, on the special effects department. I tried adjusting it, so it looks similar in a way. You can see the difference of the lighting between the two shots above. So if i were to edit it again, I would make sure that match on action is even smoother then it is now, examples include: making sure my cutting of the scenes flow even smoother and making sure the lighting is even more accurate.


The creativity of the movie was unique, as we were the only group out of the entire class to think of a script of someone tripping and requiring help. I also believe we followed our plans and storyboards very well, apart from a few tweaks and changes. The research of the techniques could have been better, as having improved match on action and rule of thirds would have really enhanced our overall movie.

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