Wednesday 22 October 2014

Mise-un-Scene in Four Lions

                                                         Mise-en-Scene in Four Lions

Production Design

Four lions is a 2010 British social realism movie about a jihad satire, showing a group of homegrown terrorist jihadis from England. It will include comedy about a dark topic which is terroism - a form of black comedy.  The two main locations in Four lions is Sheffield and Pakistan. The movie will show scenes of the characters humorous actions in both of these locations. It allows the audience to acknowledge the film as a comedy but as well as the connotations the movie has on terrorism. The costumes that are worn by the actors of Four lions in Pakistan are the military clothes that you would see in combat between two opposing forces. This adds to the realism of the film, as this is the type of clothes that are worn by many jihadists soldiers in the world today. However, in London, the clothes that is denoted in the trailer they wear are ordinary just like any other normal person. This connotes to one of the main morals of the movie -  that not all Muslims are terrorists, which is evident by their lack of knowledge and skills in terrorism. Later on in the trailer the actors are shown to be wearing animal costumes as they are attempting to bomb the London marathon. This again shows combination of stupidity and comedy, as the way they are planning this forthcoming attack amuses the audience.



The lighting when Omar was talking to his wife Sofia, the lighting is very dim - ambient lighting. This is due to him being unable to control his friends/colleagues as a team, which depresses Omar. However, the general lighting of the trailer is usually very bright, even in the most serious situations. An example of this is when Omar was shot the rocket launcher the wrong way round - the lighting was incredibly bright and bold. The effect the lighting had on this scene, was that this scene was not to be taken seriously but more lightly. Natural lighting is the form of lighting used mostly in Four Lions; it adds to the realism factor of the film. By having more realistic features in the film the audience will be able to focus on the moral of the movie, rather then every particular part of the movie.


Most of the actors are known to be from an Asian background to add to the realism to the film. It would not make sense to have actors that do not have link to Islam or stereotypically terrorism. Furthermore one of the actors is Nigel Lindsay, who played Barry as the white Muslim convert. This is to voice the fact that there are many white Muslims in the world and Muslims aren't only limited to people, from Asian/African background ethnicity. The main actors of Four lions were aspiring to be suicide bombers throughout the whole film. However, even though this was the main plot of the film, their skills in suicide bombing was extremely poor that it was hilarious. This was done intentionally, by the director, to again connote that not all Muslims are suicide bombers, as this is only an unfortunate stereotype made up.


The color of Four lions is usually bright colors, even though the acts they commit are serious - acts of terrorism. You would normally have darker colors if terrorists are shown to be committing horrible crimes. However, since this is not the case this connotes the comedic feeling that Four Lions portrays. Furthermore, by doing this, it sends out a message that this movie is not supposed to be a dark and horrible movie but a movie which gives out a strong message that not all Muslims are terrorists in a way that is amusing to the audience.


The Era of Four Lions is set in modern day society - the 21st century. It shown this in many ways. One way is when Omar is fighting in the front lines in Pakistan. This connotes to the war that is also occurring right now, in the poorer countries. It also displays the racial discrimination and stereotyping many people show to Muslims, as the instant mental first impression of them are that they are terrorists.

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