Tuesday 18 November 2014

Week 6 Productive Log

This week I had to look at the history of Film 4; this is the film company that will help distribute and promote our movie. I found out that Film 4 started up at 1982 and is responsible for the showing of many British social realism movies that includes popular movies such as : Slumdog millionaire and Attack the block. This helped the decision to choose Film 4 as our film company because the themes that they usually show in their movies is what we are going to use in our movie and opening sequence. I have been able to find this out because I have researched two movies shown by Film 4: This is England and Four lions. Themes in This is England include: corruption of youth, racism and violence and in Four lions it is: terrorism, comedy and violence.

The week also included me looking and researching opening credits of a movie. This has helped me have a perspective how opening sequence credits are structured and layered out. The movie I looked at was Dawn of the Dead - a horror movie. I found out that the institution logo is depicted in a huge bold writing, along with the equally big title of the movie. After these two credits have passed, the main starring actors/actresses are shown in the credits, then the side characters are shown later. Later on, the rest of the staff of the production of the movie are named, for example: the production designer, editor, director and many more. Finally, they usually last under 2 minutes at least, which is helpful for our opening sequence because the maximum time we get on it is 2 minutes.

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