Tuesday 18 November 2014

Dawn of the Dead Opening Credits

The opening credits of Dawn of the Dead shows many scenes where chaos is happening throughout the location, which is presumed to be North America. It shows scenes of flesh eating humans being reanimated into zombies, which is extremely affecting everyone near them. The president is even confused of what is happening as he is asked if the reanimated zombies are dead or alive and he responds by saying he doesn't know. Many scenes also show fires breaking out, which is done by the rampaging zombies, connoting to how aggressive and dangerous they are. This leads to many police and even army officers being called upon in order to mitigate the damage that these zombies are causing. The opening credits also show multiple scenes of what seems to be cells mutating out of control and this could be the cause of the reanimation, which consequently leads to the disastrous zombies, causing major havoc .

The institutional logo is denoted in a bold red color, in the middle of a pitch black background, which will continue to be the same concept of the opening credits. By doing this, the movie is able to connote that the movie will have violence and blood in it because that is the connotations that color red has. Consequently, this gives the audience a clear idea of the genre that they can expect when watching Dawn of the Dead. The black background gives off the feeling that there is nothing but darkness and deaths in the movie, as when you think of pure black, you think of nothing but negative things.

The logo of "Dawn of the Dead" is again shown in a big, bold red characters in the opening credits but unlike the last screen grab it shows the transition every title goes through in Dawn of the Dead. Each title shows for at least 2 seconds and you can see the logo dissolving and splattering into the surrounding background. This makes it seem as if we are already watching people dying and again enforces the fact that Dawn of the Dead is a sinister movie.

Below shows the timeline that i have made for Dawn of the dead. It contains all of the titles and the time they appear at. I have annotated the timeline to see what type of order the Dawn of the Dead lays out it's titles. They start off with the institution company because they have rather high importance out of the rest of the other titles; they are the company that allowed the production of the movie, so without them Dawn of the Dead wouldn't have been produced. For the next minute or so, the movie shows all of the actors/actresses names because this allows the audience to know who is going to be in the movie and if they are the right fit for a horror movie. After all of the actors/actresses has passed in the opening credits, the rest of the people that have had a major part in the production of this movie is casted. For example, the production designer, Andrew Neskorommy is responsible with the overall look and visual concept of this movie. So he chooses how the zombies move, the amount of blood that is shown and more. So this is why production designers have one of the essential creative roles in the creation of motion pictures and television and why they deserve credit during the opening titles. Furthermore, another example is the director of the movie: Zack Snyder is shown at the end of the opening of the credits. This is done because just before the audience starts to watch the movie, they will remember the last title of the credit, so they will know who is directing this movie. By doing this, the movie will allow the audience to think whether or not if the director is well known and good at directing movies.

By creating this timeline and looking at the opening credits of Dawn of The Dead I have a clear idea about institutional information in opening credits that I will use in my own opening sequence,

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