Thursday 20 November 2014

Art of the Title format for Dawn of the Dead

The word "DEAD" of dawn of the dead is bigger then the other words to put emphasis on it. It lets the target audience know immediately of the horror genre that will be in Dawn of the Dead. The typography of all of the opening credits/titles all follow the transition of dissolving and splattering into the background as shown on the left. This makes it nearly certain it will be gory and many people will die very quickly.

At the start of the of the Dawn of the Dead it starts off with the institutional company that produces it because this allows the audience to know who created this movie and that they deserve credit first. For all of the opening credits that goes by, it follows the same concept of having a black background with big, bold and red font in the middle of it. The Black connotes to the darkness that is linked with the movie and the red connotes to the danger and blood that will be heavily involved in this movie.

                 Dawn of the Dead starts off the actors/actresses with Sarah Polley who is a well known Canadian actress, who has starred in movies such as Away from her and her documentary: Stories we tell. People know that she can star in a variety of different movies and this movie is no exception, which allows the audience to know that the main heroine in this movie will be really professional and realistic in it.

When the movie wants to show the other actors/actresses that aren't that well known or famous to the audience, they show multiple names at one time, as shown on the left. This allows the opening credits to roll along quicker, shortening the duration of it and keeping the interest of the audience.

  This credit tells the audience who gathered and casted the actors and actresses of this movie.
People can make an assumption that if they see someone who has casted great movies, then this means the current movie will likely to be superb too.

Again this credit allows the audience to be aware of who edited this movie, to see if the scenes flow well together, that there are absolutely no flaws to create a finished product. If there are scenes that do not have continuity or make sense then the audience will be able to know whose fault that is or vice versa: if the editing was excellent, the audience will want to watch future movies with the same editor.

The music is an important aspect of the film and the audience need to know who is composing the music. This is why the credit has been put in the opening credits, also the music needs to fit of the genre of the movie which is horror. If the audience feels that the music fits well with horror then they can applaud and remember who composed the music.

The production designer is in charge of how the movie is produced and what to include in it. For example he is the on responsible for the blood on the zombies, the amount of characters in the movie and things such as that. This is why the production designer is given credit in the opening sequence.

Zack Snyder is shown at the very end of the opening credits because he is the director of the movie. He deserves to get a lot of character and is why he is placed at the end because people will remember his name just before the movie starts.