Friday 26 September 2014

Preliminary Task

This is the final product of our preliminary task.

Weeks 1 & 2 Reflective Post

The first two weeks for me in Media Studies were technically an introduction to the subject. We have looked at various topics such as: genre, theories, conventions and Mise-En Scene. When learning about genre, we had to talk about what different types of genres there are. Examples include: romance, horror, adventure and fantasy. Genre is important in Media studies, as knowing what type of movie you are watching is vital. Some theories we looked at are the repetiton and difference theory by Steve Neale, the uses and gratification theory and one that was completely new to me: 'Schadenfreude' . Learning about new theories will be able to help me assist learning about media in the past and how they apply these theories to target specific target audiences to draw them in.

Repetition and Difference theory by Steve Neale:

This theory is simply that the text being done will stay the same throughout but could be changed so that it would please an audience. He declares that 'genres are instances of repetition and difference' and he adds that 'difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre' . In otherwords, Steve Neale means to say that the repetition of the same type of movie coming out, will not attract an audience as they would want to watch something that differentiates to a repeated movie.

Users and Gratifications theory

The meaning of the users and gratifications theory is that a viewer of a certain text or movie for example will view it for different purposes. An example of this is that a viewer could watch a movie for entertainment, or another view could watch it to gain information from it.


Schadenfreude is the German word for "harm-joy". In other words, it is pleasure that stems from the misfortune from others. An example of this is that if someone falls over, unintentionally, the viewers watching the person fall over will laugh.


The Mise-en-Scene is literally the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play and here is an acronym of the word "PLACE" that can be derived from Mise-en-Scene.

P - Production, props and costumes

L - Lighting, ambient, artifical and natural

A - Actors,  how they perform

C - Color design - The colors used

E - Era - The time in where the  text/movie (for example) is done

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Encounter

Media Preliminary Task

The Encounter

What our task is: A character opens a door, crosses a room and sits down in a chair opposite character, with whom s/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.
Me and my group (Tselmuun Gerel and Fabio Fernandes) are asked to create a very short film, which attempts to create a tense and somewhat humorous feeling. We have been asked by the AQA exam board to use a variety of camera shots and angles. Examples include: "close up, medium shot, long shot and more.) In addition to that, we will be showing continuity and consistent camera techniques throughout the short clip. These camera and editing techniques are the: 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot, over the shoulder shot and the rule of thirds.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Media Intake


 The first text I will be talking about is a a movie, that I have recently watched: The Dark Knight Rises. The Dark Knight Rises was released during 2012 and directed by Christopher Nolan. Personally, it was one of my all time favorite movies; of the excitement, drama and superb plot line it had.

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is the final movie of the Batman Trilogy and it continues showing the life of the struggling Bruce Wayne/Batman. It has the same conventions of a superhero movie that you would normally see - saving people from antagonists and saving the world. Other conventions that you would normally see from a superhero movie is the archetype antagonist who usually wishes to take over the world and the stereotypical superhero. The stereotypical hero usually goes through a difficult period in the movie and overcomes this in a way and eventually beats the antagonist - which happens in the Dark Knight Rises.  t In addition to that, the use that I get from watching the Dark Knight Rises is that how he uses escapism to escape from the corrupt Gotham,whilst still saving people from the clutches of evil - showing superb entertainment. It allows me to feel a sense of excitement and adrenaline running through my veins.   Furthermore another gratification people get  can feel a sense of personal identification as they are watching The Dark Knight Rises, they can aspire to be like someone like Bruce Wayne/Batman. They can use Batman as an example to never give up, even if the world is against you. This connotes to impeccable determination, spirit and strength.

The Avengers

The second text that I will be talking about is The Avengers. Again it is a superhero movie, but instead of just one superhero there are numerous of them. Furthermore, instead of the dark and eerie Batman trilogy The Avengers is a colorful, jolly movie able to be seen by the eyes of mostly everyone. The use  I get from watching the Avengers is again entertainment. This is normal, as a stereotypical superhero with relentless explosions and action will without a doubt draw you in. For example the way all of the superheroes are unable to co-operate together due to their differences, but in the end come together and work together in a valiant manner. The comedic action makes me laugh with joy and watch with my full attention. Another use I can also get from watching this action packed movie is personal identification. The reason of this is due to the fact that I can empathize with them; it is just like in school where you work with people you are new with, but eventually work it out! Escapism also comes into play with the Avengers. As watching a movie with such a star-studded cast, which includes the like of: Robert Downing Jr, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo and many more just seems to keep me occupied for the whole 2 hours. Watching your favorite actors/actresses come together will let you to relax and watch in awe.


Websites/Video Games


 The video game I will be talking about is Fifa. Fifa is able to provide me with social interaction, as i can play with all of my friends. By having social interaction with my friends on a game such as Fifa, which is highly frustrating at times but it gives me great gratification; I am able to spend a hilarious time with my valuable friends. Yet the social interaction not only is with my friends but with strangers across the world. To be able to make friends online with people you haven't met before that shares a common interest really extends the limit of the social interaction of FIFA.  The music provided with Fifa is also something to be genuinely happy about. Indie bands such as Two Door Cinema Club and also Imagine Dragons are able to give you a jolly feeling as you are being doubly entertained  by the game itself and catchy soundtracks. It may seem a bit far-fetched but Fifa is able to provide information for people who are new to football. Surely not right? Well it seems that Fifa provides gamers with EVERY single players' information, which ranges from: height, age, club, nationality and many more! It is able to expand people's knowledge on new and upcoming young players, as it provides fascinating details. Furthermore, Fifa has a sense of economics implemented in the game mode: Ultimate Team. Ultimate Team is a game mode where gamers trade players for coins. The goal is to have the best players in the game and this is achieved by playing matches but primarily from deals and trading on the Ultimate Team market.


Now Twitter,  one of the major powerhouses in Social Media. I believe it comply's with all 4 of the uses and gratification conventions : Information, Escapism/Entertainment, Socail Interaction and finally Personal identification. We are able to tweet to anyone we like, so it gives us a feeling of actually talking to celebrities - a form of escapism. The gratification we get from escapism on Twitter is mainly having fun and enjoying yourself. This connotes to happiness and jolliness. In addition to that, Twitter is able to always provide me with the information as to what is going on around the world, even if it's in another country or continent! Being able to update it's news feed on Twitter is really convenient, which appeals to nearly everyone who uses the social media website.  People on Twitter are also able to empathize or sympathize with people who are similar to them on twitter - personal identification. By doing this their self-esteem is boosted, as they know there also people they can relate to, both physically or mentally.


ASOS Magazine

ASOS Magazine's usually have 1 model or actor on the front cover. For example on this ASOS magazine, Megan Fox is on it. One of the uses and gratifications this magazine gives out is entertainment in the form of sexual arousal. What I mean by this is that this magazine will attract the viewers of men and they will be more likely to purchase it. Escapism also comes into play with ASOS magazines, as people are able to look at their role models and people they enjoy in fashion with great pleasure.  Furthermore, a fashion magazine such as ASOS gives out information on the latest clothes and deals they are offering, which appeals to the majority of women and sometimes even men! Social interaction is also involved with the ASOS magazine as people can aspire to be like their idols on the magazine. This connotes to a sense of belonging in the society, as they are able to have great pleasure in buying the same clothes as people such as Megan Fox.

Teenage Magazines

Teenage magazines are very different to ASOS/fashion magazines as the users and gratifications are slightly different, however they are similar to a certain extent. For example this magazine denotes Zac Effron on the front cover because it attracts young teenage girls who are attracted to him. This is like the ASOS magazine, where the men are more appealed to the models on the front cover, which is why they purchase them. Furthermore, the ASOS and teenage magazines both have a lot of information which provides for people to be well informed of the latest shirts, scarfs and many more!  This connotes to people able to feel a sense of optimism and joy.